daedalus: Model health, social, and economic costs of a pandemic using DAEDALUS
Model the health, education, and economic costs of directly transmitted respiratory virus pandemics, under different scenarios of prior vaccine investment and reactive interventions, using the _DAEDALUS_ integrated health-economics model adapted from Haw et al. (2022) <doi.org/10.1038/s43588-022-00233-0>.
Maintainer: Pratik Gupte p.gupte24@imperial.ac.uk (ORCID)
Patrick Doohan (ORCID)
Robert Johnson (ORCID)
Rich FitzJohn (ORCID)
Emma Russell
David Mears
Katharina Hauck (ORCID)
Other contributors:
Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics [funder]
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine [copyright holder, funder]