Country-wise data on demography, social contacts, workforce
participation in economic sectors, and gross value added (GVA) per economic
Demography and social contacts are presented in four bins: [0, 4]
[5, 19]
, [20, 64]
, and [65, ]
(combining all individuals aged 65 and higher).
Workforce participation is presented as counts which are assumed to be a
subset of the [20, 64]
GVA data is presented in terms of million dollars per day.
Note that some zero values in worker participation data may reflect missing data for a particular sector.
A list with 197 elements, each corresponding to a recognised country or territory.
- demography
A four value named vector for the number of individuals in each demographic group.
- contact_matrix
A 16-element square matrix giving the mean number of social contacts between individuals of the four age groups.
- workers
A 45-element vector giving the number of individuals in each economic sector included in the model.
- gva
A 45-element vector giving the daily gross value added of each economic sector in the model, in million dollars.
doi:10.1126/science.abc0035 and OECD; see processing details in `data-raw/country_data.R